Since my arrival in the United States from Cuba in 2004, a profound dream took root—an unwavering vision shared with my father, Guillermo Pena, to create a premium cigar bearing our family name. In 2013, that dream transformed into the distinguished GP Cigar.
In 2010, my father and I established Pena Cigars, opening a modest location in southwest Miami with just six skilled cigar hand-rollers. By 2015, I ventured to Estelí, Nicaragua, where I set up a small factory with eight dedicated employees. The journey continued, and by 2017, our factory had expanded, now boasting over 200 skilled individuals.
Today, a decade later, from the heart of my state-of-the-art factory in Nicaragua—Las Villas Cigars—I am thrilled to unveil the GP 10th Anniversary.
This commemorative cigar, meticulously crafted with fervor and using only the finest tobacco, encapsulates the very essence of our lifelong aspirations. It is a tangible embodiment of what my father and I envisioned—a testament to our unwavering dedication and commitment to excellence.
May the GP Cigars provide an unparalleled experience, inviting you to savor the culmination of over a decade-long journey filled with passion and the relentless pursuit of perfection.
Warm Regards,
Guillermo Pena Jr.
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